ABOUT Internal Quality Assurance Cell
The primary aim of IQAC as stated by NAAC is
To develop a system for consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices
For realizing these aims the IQAC uses the following strategies
This Cell monitors the teaching, research and various departmental activities of each department. Feedback regarding teaching, infrastructural facilities and other amenities of the College are collected from the students by this Cell.
This Cell visits each department every year to verify the yearly progress of the department with regard to record documentation, academic and research activities.
The students’ feedback for each department is evaluated. Good points are appreciated and remedial measures for the weak points are suggested to the departments by the IQAC team.
The departments ensure the implementation of the remedial measures and report the IQAC team about their improvement.
The Cell is responsible for regular submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC.
As outlined by the external regulatory bodies like the West Bengal Higher Education Directorate, the University of Kalyani and the UGC, the College introduces and implements required quality assurance measures.
A transparent admission process is conducted online. Increased use of ICT in classrooms and administrative office has begun. There are two Smart Classrooms in the College. The College has a Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Anti Ragging Cell, sub-committee for Gender Sensitization and Prevention of Sexual Harassment and NSS unit.
The Governing Body and IQAC are two regulatory bodies whose interventions have facilitated quality enhancement and sustenance.