The College runs in one shift and hence all the infrastructure facilities such as classrooms, laboratories, library, common amenities like girls’ common room, indoor and outdoor game facilities etc. are utilized optimally
Library: Library caters to the academic and co-curricular needs of the students and staff. Library helps its users to locate, select and acquire the information needed. Staff Members and Students can access the Library facilities and can borrow books, Magazines, periodicals, CD_ROM and other materials as per the rules for each category. Annual Stock taking of Library books has been conducted.
Laboratory: The maintenance of the laboratory is managed by the Laboratory Assistant under the supervision of the HOD/Coordinator. They are required to maintain an inventory of the equipment and carry out Annual Stock checking and withdrawal/Scrap. Repairs and maintenance are handled as per the common policy of the college.
General Maintenance: The office maintains register(s) to record the complaints related to AC, furniture, fixtures, plumbing, electrical work etc. Depending upon the nature of the complaints, the majority of them are resolved by the in-house staff. If required, the experts from outside agencies are called. Annual Maintenance Contracts are signed for AC, Water Purification and Coolers. Some software is also under AMC.
IT Infrastructure: Each year, the IT support staffs have to carry out preventive maintenance (such as servicing, cleaning, formatting, updating antivirus software etc) of the IT equipment. Uses of common LCD’s/Laptops for lectures are recorded in log book. Sports ground is common for all departments under the KGC umbrella. The College has to plan its activities in advance and book the ground. Students are not allowed to use indoor sports facility while his/her lectures or practical sessions are in progress. Indoor sports facilities are not provided during the examination period. The Gymnasium is closed one week prior to the semester end examination.